Noah Fanslau
May 2022
Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit
Nebraska Medicine
United States




His affect was invariably positive, and kindness just radiated from him. He lifted our spirits simply by walking into the room, and he gave us the gift of his time and attention when it was most needed.
I don't think I have words that are appropriately descriptive or sufficiently heartfelt to describe the level of clinically competent and genuinely compassionate care that nurse Noah Fanslau provided to my husband, Dr. R, in the two weeks he was a patient in the Clarkson Tower ICU.

While my husband did not survive this final hospitalization, our family has the peace of mind of knowing that everyone on his care team went above and beyond to provide coordinated care of the highest quality in a way that respected him as a patient and as a person. However, on a day-to-day basis, no one did more to ensure his physical and emotional well-being than Noah. As an 83 y/o polio survivor, my husband was paraplegic and in need of attention and assistance many patients don't require, and Noah was exceptionally understanding of, and attentive to, his special needs. He rendered care competently and earned our confidence in his clinical skills. He always made sure my husband was positioned properly, turned regularly, and that he was supported in a way that kept him both comfortable and safe. He always spoke to him gently and reassuringly and kept a very close eye on him, particularly as his status declined. I am a health professions (pharmacy) educator and Noah made sure I was fully aware of all the medications being administered (especially when a therapy was discontinued or added in response to lab findings) and any procedures being planned.

All our nurses were wonderful but there was something special about Noah that resonated with my husband and our family. He never hesitated to put a consoling arm around our shoulders when the outcome of his illness became clear and we were grieving his anticipated loss, or to spend time talking with us about what he had learned about my husband from others (he was a full-time UNMC faculty member for 48 years) and to tell us how much respect and admiration he had for him. His affect was invariably positive, and kindness just radiated from him. He lifted our spirits simply by walking into the room, and he gave us the gift of his time and attention when it was most needed.

Our family includes two nurses, and they too were impressed by Noah's clinical knowledge and professionalism and touched by his overtly good heart. We will never forget him. My husband was incredibly proud of his career-long affiliation with UNMC and its College of Pharmacy and, through the years, we've been blessed with outstanding care from a multitude of Nebraska Medicine providers. However, from this point on, whenever I hear the phrase "Serious Medicine Extraordinary Care", the image that will come to my mind is the face of Noah Fanslau. Nothing would give me and my family more joy at this very difficult time than to know this outstanding nurse has been recognized as a DAISY Nurse. He is truly deserving.