May 2022
UnityPoint Health - Finley Hospital




Londie is to be admired and respected not only as an amazing nurse but as an amazing human being.
Londie makes a difference to all the staff. She orients new employees and travelers alike. She answers questions and is “in the know” for all new equipment, procedures, and new/changing protocols. Londie has seen many changes at Finley and has always “gone with the flow” to make Finley the best place to work. Londie champions excellence in teaching new things. She works with lab, education, nurse residency, and just about every Finley employee. Londie fosters unity within each unit but also the hospital as a whole. She owns the moment always, especially when inspiring staff to learn new things, perform new tasks, co-chair a committee, be a member of a task group, and more. Londie is always there for questions. Londie brings skill, knowledge, compassion, and definitely humor to each day. Here is what her colleagues have to say about her:

Where do I start… Londie puts her 100% into everything she does while at work. She goes above and beyond for our unit. She will drop what she is doing to help on the floor when needed. Londie takes pride in her work. She is so knowledgeable in her field. Her kindness speaks volumes of how genuine of a person she is. Finley should be proud to have her as part of the team. Londie and her positive pants will always hold a special place in my heart.


Londie is a great asset to our team. She is knowledgeable and knows how to get things done. Always willing to lend a helping hand. She is able to “read people” and engage them in what is needed, she individualizes patient education to meet the patients' needs. Her personality draws people to her. She has touched so many lives and excels in promoting our hospital values. She truly makes everyone feel like “they matter.”


Londie is a wonderful part of our leadership team at Finley. She is knowledgeable and stays up to date with the always-changing policies. Londie works tirelessly, making sure things are done the right way. If she does not know an answer, she knows whom to ask that does. Londie is an excellent educator. She has a way of teaching, without making you feel like you are being “talked at.” Our new staff is fortunate that Londie is the first person they encounter throughout the orientation process. Londie’s office is a place where I find myself for a belly laugh, a word of advice, or maybe just a hello and a piece of chocolate. Londie is a true example of a nursing leader.


Londie has been an incredible mentor, teacher, colleague, and friend to me. She is one of the most reliable, trustworthy, and honest people I have ever met. She will always dig deep past the roots to find an answer to any problem and always ensures things are done the right way. The best part about all of this? She is incredibly humble. Londie underestimates her worth and would never admit any of this about herself. To that, I wish to remind her of and express to her the impact she has had on every single employee here at Finley.


Working with Londie has truly been one of the biggest blessings to me, both personally and professionally. She is the epitome of advocacy for our patients and staff. Her drive to do the right thing, for the right patient or co-worker, at the right time exemplifies her passion for caring for others. She is a wealth of knowledge and our Finley family is better because of her. Londie would never recognize this, but she is truly one of the pillars of nursing excellence at Finley. Thank you Londie for all that you do at Finley and for being you- you are an amazing person.


Londie has always been a beacon of nursing excellence to me. From the day I started at Finley to the present day she fills all of us with nursing expertise and excellence. She is the true definition of an educator, passionate about learning, improving, and sharing her knowledge with all of us. Londie sets forth every day with the best intentions to make Finley and the care of our community members be the absolute best. Countless nurses and techs have had the privilege of knowing her and growing in their depth of healthcare from her immense knowledge base. Londie can crack a joke at a moment's notice to lighten up the day and put everyone at ease. She always makes time for any of us no matter how busy her day is. Londie is an inspiration to all, driving us all to be our best. She never seeks attention for all of the outstanding work she does, but she most definitely deserves it. Londie is our rock, she has built the Finley practice of nursing to be strong just like she is. Most importantly, I am blessed to call Londie not just a coworker, not just a mentor, but also a friend. She has always stood by my side personally and professionally, and I am forever grateful for Londie. The world is most definitely a better place because of Londie! Congrats to Londie!


Londie has always held a special place in my heart since the time I started at Finley. She was there during my interview when I started as a patient care tech 12 years ago and the reason I remember her is that I could sense her desire to make me feel welcome and supported at Finley and that is exactly who Londie is. Her passion for nursing and the mentoring of new staff is so evident in everything she does and her impact is felt throughout the entire hospital. I am as appreciative of the millions of laughs for her one-liners as I am for her answers to my millions of diabetes questions over the years.


Londie always makes me laugh and reminds us to all put on our big girl panties and figure stuff out!


Londie is one of the best! She has always been so kind! Such a wonderful resource and asset to our team! I absolutely loved her the first time I worked here at Finley, she was a big part of why I wanted to return! Oh, and we can’t forget about her sense of humor!


Londie is such an asset to our unit! Aside from the humor and amazing one-liners, she knows so much! During stressful times and stuff hitting the fan she has this way of getting things done, debriefing, and bringing a calming sense of humor. Londie never does what’s easy, it's what's best for the patient. That is something I learned from her right away when I met her: integrity in your work! She’s just the best! We all put our big girl panties on because of her.


There were some people unable to be here with us today, we will share what they wrote about you as well. Londie is an incredible asset to Finley Hospital. Her knowledge and ability to teach are unique and much admired. She has a way of teaching with laughter and respect, never judgment. She is a rare personality in that you have joy just seeing her in a hallway. I always feel comfortable asking her questions or sharing concerns and I know if she doesn’t have an answer for me, she will by the end of the day. Londie is to be admired and respected not only as an amazing nurse but as an amazing human being.


I have had the pleasure of working with Londie since I started in 1987. She has always been a role model to her staff and fellow educators. She is a hard worker and in fact the word "No" is not part of her vocabulary. She is always willing to pitch in and help at the patient's bedside or if there is a special training or extra class that is needed, she is more than willing to come in on her day off and make sure things are taken care of. She is definitely a patient advocate, especially with diabetic patients. She has spent countless hours serving on committees and workgroups who worked to develop protocols, procedures, and order sets that have the goal of providing safe nursing care for our diabetic patients. She also works as a diabetic educator helping new diabetic patients understand and live with their new life-changing diagnosis. She had also developed patient educational materials that make a complicated disease, understandable.

I first encountered Londie at our yearly hospital-wide skills competency training. She made something that could be tedious into something engaging. She utilized humor and a down-to-earth approach that pulled you in and made learning an enjoyable endeavor. Many of us were jealous of the medical floor staff who had such a "cool" educator. In 2016 I became the educator for the Family Birthing Suites and it was through this role that I really got to know Londie. She was more than willing to share her expertise in the "education" realm with this newcomer. She continued to display her willingness to go above and beyond, especially during Covid, when she respiratory fitted tested staff not once but 3 separate times as the N-95 mask brands kept changing. She opened up extra smaller CPR classes to meet the need and just pitched in where needed. I feel very blessed to have worked with Londie and dread the day she finally says, "I'm out of here!" She will be a huge loss to our hospital and nursing team.


Londie leads by example in her education role. She will not ask you to do something she would not do. She is a role model for all nurses and always reminds us to put our "big girl panties" on. (We all know she is wearing hers). Londie teaches us with humor. If you have ever taken her MOAB classes, you will understand that. Londie makes learning fun and memorable. Thank you for everything you do for Finley.


Without Londie I would not be able to manage point of care testing in the hospital. She was instrumental when we switched to new glucose meters last year. She helped coordinate training and is always there to answer questions and help "police" our policies to ensure excellent patient care. The staff respects her knowledge and commitment to quality. When the laboratory was onboarding to UnityPoint software and adopting new workflows she was our conduit for communicating many of the changes nursing staff would see. Londie's tenacious personality shows her passion for quality patient care and coaching staff to be the best they can be. She is a pleasure to work with.

Congratulations Londie!