Zainab Qwaisem
May 2022
Renal Dialysis Unit
Qatif Central Hospital
Eastern Region
Saudi Arabia




Zainab went to the blood bank and donated her blood on behalf of the family then she came back and reassured the apprehensive father.
Zainab is like all nurses in the world, she performs her daily tasks, and goes above and beyond patient care and needs yet, when granted gratitude feels what she has given is merely her duty to her community. The hemodialysis unit in Qatif Central Hospital is like a small family. Zainab came to know that one of their regular dialysis patients needed a blood transfusion and that the father is struggling to find a donor for his son. The hospital Blood Bank was in critical condition as the patient blood type was rare and unavailable. Our star nurse, who happens to have the same rare blood type, went to the blood bank and donated her blood on behalf of the family, she came back and reassured the apprehensive father. Not only did she save a life that day, but she also went about her daily duty of caring for her other patients like any other regular day. The young patient managed to undergo his scheduled medical care, and currently lives with a successful kidney transplant.