Erika Rodriguez
April 2022
Education & Development Department
El Centro Regional Medical Center
El Centro
United States




Erika has demonstrated resilience during setbacks, and despite how bad a situation may be, she looks for the good and maintains a positive attitude and outlook for the future.
When I look at leaders that are willing to take on any new initiative that supports the better of the organization, our employees, and our patients, Erika is there to champion and lead the way. Erika has demonstrated resilience during setbacks, and despite how bad a situation may be, she looks for the good and maintains a positive attitude and outlook for the future. She is trusted by her peers and her staff, she is present, and she is eager to make things better. She is always thinking of ideas to engage staff, and support the mission of the organization. She sees the value of education in all employees of the organization (not just nursing).

Erika can be given a problem, and she will come back with a plan and a solution. It may not work the first time, but she is okay with that, stays positive, and works with her team to come up with another solution. Her team will tell you that she comes in often to say, “I have this idea guys!” They know they will have some work to do, but they also know that she has the best interest of them, the organization, and our patients. The initiatives that Erika has led, have significantly impacted our employees, and our patients. She is always thinking outside of the box. Her determination, her passion, and her persistence are what sets her apart from others. I believe that she models all of the characteristics that a DAISY Nurse Leader should have.