Leah Truckenbrod
November 2022
Outpatient Wound Care
Advocate Sherman Hospital
United States




It was a beautiful day, and Leah wheeled the patient to the healing garden and they ate lunch outside together.
Leah was interacting with one of our wheelchair-bound patients who is transported to us by the extended care facility where they reside. He completed his hyperbaric treatment in the morning and had another appointment in the afternoon. Leah knows they are diabetic and needed to spend time here in the hospital until his next appointment later in the afternoon. Since the extended care facility did not send the patient with lunch and Leah knew he needed to eat because of their diabetes, she asked them if they wanted to eat lunch. She wheeled them down to the café, helped them navigate and select lunch, then paid for lunch out of her own pocket. It was a beautiful day, and Leah wheeled the patient to the healing garden and they ate lunch outside together.

Mind you, Leah needs to stay away from the sun, so she is wearing her sun hat as she kept them company. I happened to see them outside and asked about it. She explained the situation and when I told her how great that was/offered to reimburse her she said: "They are one of our long-time patients and I know they have been feeling down in the dumps about a potential amputation." They also stated the food at the extended care facility is not great, so this was a special treat. "I figured the fresh air, sunshine and good food would help perk them up Please don't worry about the money - it was worth it!" This is just one example of Leah's care and compassion, and how she makes a difference in the lives of her patients. I am so grateful to have her as part of the team.