Tim Hall
June 2022
Timothy W
University of Michigan Health West
United States




While my heart was breaking, an angel of light on the other end of the phone touched my heart and cared. Truly cared.
While this is entirely overdue, it is still so meaningful to me as Tim made all the difference as my husband of almost 35 years suffered and died of covid. Tim cared, really cared when he called me to give me an update and I learned of how things had gone from bad to worse as life support was now being administered and with all the covid rules, I concluded it might be the end. I asked Tim a couple of favors. I asked him to tell my husband that I love him and to thank him for being a wonderful husband to me, and to tell him I’ll see him later. Tim, in his kindness, said he would and boldly took it one step further. He told me he was willing to remove his proverbial “nursing” hat and put on his “pastoral” hat to pray with E. It meant the world to me as a faith-based person. While my heart was breaking, an angel of light on the other end of the phone touched my heart and cared. Truly cared.

Fast forward 48 hours to an eminent heart-wrenching task no wife ever wants to do- to release their loved one to eternity. I couldn’t think of a kinder man than Tim to do that. Under his watch, God knew I needed Tim, with his loving and caring demeanor that comforted this painful moment with faith, hope, peace, and love. When the final moment came, Tim was there as I asked him to say a final prayer. It was so beautiful in the middle of seeking hard our focus remained on the One who holds all our futures and eternity in His hand. Again Tim cared not only in these gifts of service but with his heart. I will always treasure those last memories with my husband, as painful as it was because Tim and his leadership with his staff made all the difference. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.