November 2022
UVM Medical Center
United States




Chris is a true hero and saved my father’s life.
Chris is a true hero and saved my father’s life. While vacationing in the Adirondacks, my father suffered a cardiac event during a bike ride and collapsed on the road unconscious. Chris, who was also vacationing in the area and happened to hear the cry for help to dial 911, rushed to the scene and performed CPR on him for several minutes, including using the defibrillator until my father showed signs of a heartbeat, all before EMTs arrived. She desperately tried to contact the family, but he didn’t have his iPhone medical ID set up.

Chris followed up with nearby hospitals where she was told he was being sent and could not find him. Then by chance, we discovered who Chris was and that she works at UVMMC as an ICU nurse, which is exactly where my father was airlifted to. What are the odds?! My father made a drastic recovery, transitioned out of the ICU and we were all able to meet Chris in person the following week. Through tears we thanked her for being a true hero; she is the reason I will have memories with my father for the next 20 years. Thank you, Chris, we owe you everything!