Isabella Botak
November 2022
Grand View Health
United States




Isabella took the time to get to know my mom and was one of the first people who got us to smile throughout the whole ordeal.
My family was introduced to Isabella during what was undoubtedly the worst time of our lives. My mother was admitted to the Grandview ICU with Septic shock where she was promptly put onto a ventilator where she remained for almost three weeks. Those were easily the hardest three weeks of our lives and Isabella was there with us through it all. Isabella was my mom's "A Team" and was one of the first nurses we were introduced to. We knew immediately we were in good hands as she introduced herself and started teaching us. Isabella explained the almost 15 pumps connected to my mom with patience as we asked countless questions about what everything does and what everything meant.

Isabella was in the chapel with my dad, sister, and me as we listened to a doctor use big scary words and phrases like "plan for the worst" and ask us about what my mom's final wishes would be. She sat next to me with a hand on my back comforting me in the same way I know my mom would have had she been there. She treated us as if we were her own family from the very start, providing comfort in ways I cannot ever repay. Isabella took the time to get to know my mom and was one of the first people who got us to smile throughout the whole ordeal; she listened to us share happy memories with our mom and asked us questions about her. What was her favorite music? Where was her favorite place? She brought us tissues, let us cry on her shoulders, and talked to us with the kindest and gentlest voice; we found so much comfort with her.

We would enter my mom's room and find Isabella changing meds to my mom's favorite band, the Counting Crows or, we would see the TV left on a nice ocean scape with the waves crashing in the background, my mom's favorite place. We would even come to learn that Isabella stopped in to check on my mom during her time off just because she cared. On the days when we couldn't be with my mom, Isabella called to give us updates multiple times a day just to ease our anxiety. She talked to my mom about her dogs, and how they missed her alongside her granddaughter. She listened to the little details and remembered them all. Leaving our mom's bedside was one of the hardest parts of the day, but we were lucky that we felt at ease with Isabella. We knew we were leaving her in the best hands possible.

About three months after my mom left the ICU, I ran into Isabella in the ER on an unrelated visit. We made eye contact as we passed by and she later found me after finishing her rounds. When she found me, she immediately asked about my family by name and embraced me with a hug. There aren't really words sufficient enough to thank someone for saving the life of someone you love, but Isabella didn't just save my mom; she saved my whole family. When I look back on the three worst weeks of my life, I am lucky that Isabella shines through and helps shine a positive light on such an uncertain time. Isabella truly changed us for the better and I wholeheartedly believe that I get to sit next to my mom today because of her.