Rebecca Wilber
December 2022
Arnot Ogden Medical Center
United States




Rebecca's approach to patient care exceeded my expectations as she went about her nursing duties exhibiting expertise and confidence.
My wife and I are in our eighties and have never before experienced an ER visit with all its anxiety and uncertainty as numerous blood tests and scans were ordered while doctors speculated possible causes. This all changed when my wife was admitted to the 4B telemetry unit for further observation, where Rebecca became the attending nurse on multiple days.

Rebecca answered our many questions about clinical procedures, blood tests, and scans. She informed us of results and explained their significance. I found her demeanor very calming. Rebecca's approach to patient care exceeded my expectations as she went about her nursing duties exhibiting expertise and confidence.

Under Rebecca's care, my wife was comfortable and well attended which enabled her, on occasion, to display her sense of humor much to the delight of my family. Rebecca would "pop in" frequently without a buzzer call to check on the patients and attend to the needs and concerns of visiting family.

Rebecca, in my opinion, could be considered a patient's advocate. She made sure she was present when a doctor came to the room. This was important because on more than one occasion a doctor arrived without the latest clinical information or was difficult to understand. Rebecca would respectfully update the doctor, if necessary, and ask appropriate questions on my behalf so that I was fully informed. She would later expand on the discussion and offer me helpful suggestions. Upon learning of my wife's recent bout with gout and our interest in low-purine diets, Rebecca took it upon herself to search the Mayo Clinic website for information. She produced a detailed printout on recommended foods with excellent recipe ideas and a list of references for additional information.

My admiration for Rebecca perhaps can best be summed up by the fact that I suggested to a young lady who was a nurse in training, that if she was looking for a role model she should try to get assigned to Rebecca.