Amanda (Mandi) M. Helmer
December 2022
Amanda (Mandi) M.
Medical ICU
Mayo Clinic - Rochester
United States




Mandi Helmer stood out as a nurse willing and able to go beyond the normal call of duty.
Our 85-year-old mother was a patient for 12 days. We took a 22-hour medical ambulance transport from New York to the number 1 hospital of the world, Mayo Clinic. Mandi Helmer stood out as a nurse willing and able to go beyond the normal call of duty. Mom had a critical illness, and we never knew what to expect. Everything was new and frightening to us as we watched her struggle to live. Through it all Mandi was there working tirelessly; diligently helping Mom and us understand issues and ramifications. Of utmost importance to Mandi was Mom's treatments, wellbeing, and comfort. Mandi was also concerned about us as I went through my own emotions. Mandi's quick and efficient work style really made mom's health condition improve every day. She communicated with different groups to try to update the newest information to get the best ideas to smooth our emotions as we went through our own emotions and exhaustion with Mom's health condition. She put her effort into her work, and she used her whole heart to service her patients. She tries to make the best of everything. Everyday her knowledge and skill were evident. She made a "get to know me" board for mom so everyone would know my mom; she gave advice and helped me make a form which has Chinese and English on it for mom easily to communicate with medical staff. Due to NG Tube and Bipap, Mom had dry mouth and Mandi advised moisturizing spray which made mom feel better. Because of her health condition mom could not take a shower for many days and Mandi resolved this problem with a shampoo cap to wash her in bed. Mandi turned the bed toward the window so mom could enjoy the outside view and know if it is day or nighttime, and she always has a great attitude and excellent activities. My mom's NG tube was tough to insert, and this issue would last 4 days and result in mom feeling starving and confused and like the NG tube was not put in. Mandi not only knew how to do it, but also found another great RN to do this together with success. Mandi's tireless devoted skill and passion for our mom's well being made a huge impression on us. She stood out as a nurse willing and able to go beyond the normal call of duty!!!