Tracy Bynum
September 2022
Infection Prevention
Ochsner Medical Center- Main Campus New Orleans
New Orleans
United States




he woman was very upset as her father had recently died and she was on her way to Miami for the funeral. Tracy was able to talk with her and offer her comfort as well as keep her calm during the stressful situation.
I would like to take this opportunity to nominate an extraordinary individual for your recognition. While awaiting to board my plane in Chicago’s O’Hare airport Tracy and I were seated at an American Airlines gate when it all began. Tracy noticed a woman walking towards the gate with a very unsteady walk. She quite quickly tripped falling over the barricade and hitting her head. In fact, the impact was audible at the next gate.

Tracy dropped everything and rushed to the woman’s side reaching her before most people had even realized what happened. Tracy instructed the gate agent to call security and the paramedics and then began to deal with the woman. She was initially unconscious, but Tracy was able to rouse her and began asking her questions and assessing the situation. The woman developed a golf ball-sized knot on her forehead and Tracy asked someone to get some ice. By this time, the gate agent had called a supervisor and they arrived to assist. Tracy was able to tell them Kelly’s basic information which allowed them to get her information from the database.

The woman was very upset as her father had recently died and she was on her way to Miami for the funeral. Tracy was able to talk with her and offer her comfort as well as keep her calm during the stressful situation. Once the paramedics had arrived Tracy was able to help assist them with information regarding the situation as the woman was having some trouble verbalizing her issues. Tracy was also able to give them information about the patient’s recent medication that she had taken. Tracy stayed by her side throughout the whole ordeal, and he even helped to pack up her belongings as the paramedics were getting her onto the stretcher. His actions were quick decisive and selfless. In full disclosure, I must let you know that I am Tracy’s partner. We were heading home from visiting my family in Wisconsin when this happened. I consider myself very lucky and I am very proud to have Tracy as my partner.