Daisy Bustamante
December 2022
Zone 1
Amana Village Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi
Khalifa City A
United Arab Emirates




She made me feel as if she was my daughter because of her great mercy on me and my health.
I would like to thank the nurses for taking care of me throughout my stay in Amana Village, and for the concern, I felt for my physical and emotional health. They provided me with moral support, relieved my pain, and listened to what I had to say. I thank them because they are really angels of mercy as they call them. And I remember at the beginning of my admission into the village, I was miserable and sad because of the pain and sorrow I was suffering from, so they eased a lot for me, and they were by my side all the time, and despite my many requests from them to serve me, they did not complain or get annoyed by me, even in the middle of the night. Sometimes they wondered why I hadn't called them for so long, and they came to me frequently if I needed them, and they have always laughed and had fun, to the point that they sang songs for me and danced to make my heart happy.  One of them was even telling me about some of her life issues and asking me to pray for her constantly, and when she was away from me she used to find any opportunity to pass by me and ask about my condition, and she used to help me in the hardest situations, and no matter how much I speak about my nurses, I will not do them justice.

During my time in the village, I did not feel lonely or bored because I was not alone, as the nurses were always standing by me and relieving me and my pain, and we were like one family. And I mention by name some of the nurses who left an imprint on my life, including Daisy. She was the best in their dealing with me and having mercy on me. She made me feel as if she was my daughter because of her great mercy on me and my health. I wished that I would wake up every morning and see her in front of me because of her great love and care that is to the extent that they do not wake me up in the morning until I wake up from my sleep by own, and then she would enter the room with the most beautiful words of welcoming, and carried out her tasks. And lastly, my pen is unable to thank her in mere lines.