Dawn Roesler
November 2022
Boulder County Jail
Boulder County Jail
United States




Dawn held my head and whispered in my ear that everything was going to be all right. She listened, she did not judge, and she was able to calm me down and be that "voice" for me.
 Dawn received several nominations from her patients that demonstrated the exceptional care that she provides at the Boulder County Jail. Dawn was also nominated by a staff member who had a medical event at work. Below is the staff member's story that they read to Dawn during our ceremony.

“Dawn Roesler is an exceptional person and an exceptional nurse. I know how appreciated and loved she is here at the jail, but my story about Dawn is a personal one. One morning I came into work not quite feeling well. I had been feeling dizzy the days leading up to my "event". When I arrived at work that day, I was still feeling dizzy and wasn't quite sure of my surroundings but tried to push through it. Mid-morning, I felt faint and blacked out, fell to the floor, and started shaking, uncontrollably. I needed medical attention. Medical was called and Dawn was the first to arrive to assist me. She was swift in her actions and didn't hesitate to give me the medical attention I needed. Dawn gave me a thorough assessment and when the EMT's arrived, she was clear and concise with her findings. She was generally worried but remained calm and did not react "emotionally"; she was a true professional throughout. I, on the other hand, didn't know what I was experiencing. As I was laying there, in and out of consciousness, I was able to convey to her that I wasn't sure what was happening to my body and that I was scared. Dawn talked me through those moments. Dawn held my head and whispered in my ear that everything was going to be all right. She listened, she did not judge, and she was able to calm me down and be that "voice" for me.

Throughout the months after my "event", Dawn has checked in with me, consistently. She asks how I am doing and has a general sense of caring for me. As I explained all the things I have been tested for, she offered some suggestions as to what she thinks it may be. It turns out she is on par with my doctors and what they are thinking. She has offered words of advice, has expressed empathy, and has given me a new insight, into what my "potential" diagnosis could be. Dawn is excellent at what she does. She has personally touched me with her kindness, caring, and professionalism. This is just one of many examples that shows why Dawn Roesler is being nominated for the DAISY Award. We are so lucky to have her as part of our staff and I am exceptionally grateful to her and her attentiveness that day--not only medically, but personally, too.” Dawn is an amazing nurse, and we are so lucky to have her at the Boulder County Jail. Thank you, Dawn, for all of your hard work!