May 2021
Parkview Regional Medical Center
Fort Wayne
United States




She coached me through pushing, she coached me through breathing, and she coached my husband in calmness and care to allow him to assist with bringing our third son into the world. It was a special experience that will never be forgotten.
Allison is a wonderful and caring individual, and the best midwife that my family could have encountered for the birth of two of our children. Allison has been a friend of mine for multiple years and was always a fantastic go to for questions/concerns or advice. Not only is she an amazing friend, but I have had the pleasure of working alongside her in the office and on the labor and delivery unit. She is just as friendly as a co-worker, but she also is a wonderful resource. She always puts everyone else ahead of herself. She is willing to come in and stay late whenever needed. I always enjoyed seeing her smiling face while on and off the labor floor, and now enjoy seeing it in the office.

When we tried for our third child, my husband and I were very torn as to which provider to see for our pregnancy. Our initial provider had never done anything wrong and was fantastic herself, but Allison was close and provided such an amazing atmosphere. He was so impressed with Allison, and I absolutely adored her compassion, that we chose to stay in Fort Wayne and have her be our primary provider.

She knew that I had some anxiety with the pregnancy and was willing to come in on days off to see me, as well as attempt to schedule my appointments on days when she would be available to ease some of my nerves. She also provided "special" care for our delivery. I contacted her at 0300 in the morning to let her know (on a day she was not on call and her birthday) that I had been contracting and felt like something was different. I contacted her on the way to the hospital, notifying her that I felt like something was wrong, or that I was progressing quickly. She met my husband and I at the car with a wheelchair, she took me to my labor room and never left my side. She coached me through pushing, she coached me through breathing, and she coached my husband in calmness and care to allow him to assist with bringing our third son into the world. It was a special experience that will never be forgotten.

Allison is the most compassionate nurse midwife that I have ever met. Not only did she drop everything to help me and my husband bring our children into the world, but I know that she has done it for many others. She is well-educated, and truly has a heart of gold beyond compare. There is no one that deserves this award more than she does. There are not enough words to explain the love that surrounds her or that could thank her enough for not just her friendship, but also her compassion and drive. She will always be a part of our family and a person that I trust in obstetrical and gynecological care.