December 2022
Dawn P
San Jose
United States




Dawn verbalized empathy/sympathy with words and tone throughout the call. 
A mother called for her 1 yr. old son and reported 2 weeks of runny nose and congestion.  She was calling today because he developed an intense cough and “weird breathing” that began last night.  She said the cough sounded like a horn honking and she was worried about RSV.  His last COVID test done last week was negative. She tried a cool mist humidifier, NS drops with nasal suction, Motrin, Tylenol, elderberry for teething and reported his last temperature taken at 4:00 AM was 100.3 using a temporal thermometer. ARN asked about his general health and the mother said he had low blood sugar and seizures unrelated to fever when he was born and at 2 days old was admitted to the PICU for 8 days.  ARN asked the mother if she could clarify what the weird breathing looked like and the mother said it seemed like he was working harder to breathe, but she was not sure if it was related to his nasal congestion.  She denied hearing wheezing or a high-pitched squeaking sound at the time of the call but said when he was sleeping last night, she heard a slight wheeze, but that cleared after nasal suctioning. The mother denied blue lips/skin or rapid breathing and said he was active, eating, drinking, and voiding normally but said it seemed like he was working a little harder to breathe at times.  ARN asked if he had retractions and explained that is the skin sucking in between the ribs with each breath, and the mother said slightly, but then agreed she was not quite sure. ARN told the mother she was putting her on hold to consult with a CCMD and said she would be back within 5 minutes.      ARN processed this call in the PED Cough/Cold/Croup/Sinus/Flu/COVID 19 protocol, selected Yes to Respiratory distress (tachypnea, working harder to breathe, retractions, grunting, difficulty talking, difficulty crying, difficulty drinking due to shortness of breath) and consulted with the CCMD. She gave a complete and accurate SBAR and recommended a today appointment, which the CCMD approved.  She reconnected with the mother and explained that we would like to get an appointment and asked if she wanted a DOV or Telehealth appointment, and the mother said she preferred a DOV. ARN offered an in-person appointment at 12:00 PM, which the mother accepted. The mother checked the baby's temperature again and ARN thanked her for doing that and complimented her for taking such good care of her son. She said she hoped her little one was feeling better soon, told her to call back for any new or worsening symptoms and the call ended.   

I want to compliment ARN on the care and kindness she extended to the mother of this 1-year-old boy.  She was concerned about her son's symptoms and ARN verbalized empathy/sympathy with words and tone throughout the call.  She took the time to actively listen to the story, asked clarifying questions, and provided an overall wonderful care experience.