Aisha Simpson
January 2023
Piedmont Macon Medical Center
United States




The moment nurse assistance was needed, you were at my door before anyone could ask for you.
Aisha, You remind me of a paste that is needed to hold something together. The moment nurse assistance was needed, you were at my door before anyone could ask for you. The mask and glasses shielded your face but never your true self. On any job, a true team member knows that teamwork makes the dream work. You are an asset to Piedmont Macon. Your confidence as you care for your patients is a shining light. Stay strong and supportive. I thank you. Today you were my nurse, never missing a beat. You made certain every need or request was met. A nurse is a person that keeps smiling, caring, pushing, and going: that's you. Thanks for your unselfish caring!!! You are so Special!!!