Tyshia Smith
November 2022
LCI Morehead Rad/Onc
Levine Cancer Institute
United States




Tyshia did not just call the patient and schedule appointments, she built a relationship with her.
Tyshia Smith, RN treats every patient as if they are a family member. She does not just care for them while they are in her presence, but she has been known to call just to "check-in". Her commitment to following her patients is remarkable. Recently, Tyshia cared for a patient that had fallen on hard times and found herself homeless. She was eventually admitted to the hospital only to be discharged to a hotel. Tyshia was very concerned that due to these hardships, the patient would neglect to follow through with the recommended discharge care. Tyshia made several phone calls and got the patient set up for transportation so that the financial strain of gas would not be a concern. Tyshia made countless calls back and forth to the patient to advise her how important it was for her to return to the clinic. Unfortunately, despite Tyshia's best efforts the patient still failed to return to the clinic. When Tyshia asked why, the patient simply stated, "she forgot". Tyshia could have simply canceled the patient on the schedule, but instead, she took the time to call the patient and check in on her. After triaging with the patient over the phone, Tyshia confirmed that her instinct was right. The patient had not followed up with wound care. Tyshia feared the patient could be septic and essentially begged the patient to return to the ER. The patient stated she did not have a way to get to the hospital, Tyshia advised her to call 911, and the patient reluctantly agreed. Unfortunately, by the time the patient followed back up in the clinic, her wound had become severely infected. This patient has been "attempting" care since April, she has a history of no-shows for appointments. Tyshia made it her mission no matter what, she was going to get this patient to return to the clinic to get the care she needed. See, Tyshia did not just call the patient and schedule appointments, she built a relationship with her. Once, the patient gained the trust of Tyshia she felt that treatment was "worth" the inconvenience that goes along with seeking care. Tyshia followed this patient so closely along her entire cancer journey. Thanks to her efforts, the patient was able to successfully complete her entire course of treatment.