Aaliyah Pullem
November 2022
Maternal Child
Ridgecrest Regional Hospital
United States




Aaliyah's smile and presence alone lit up my room instantly bringing my anxiety down.
During one of the most confusing, frightening, and painful experiences I have ever been through I was surrounded by only what I can describe as a host of angels. Over the last few months, I have checked into the ER over 10 times. Each time I was taken to B-wing. This is my 4th C-section and I was a high-risk pregnancy. I began having severe contractions almost 2 months before the baby was supposed to arrive.

My nightmare/experience came to a screeching halt and I welcomed my baby girl M into the world. She was 2 weeks early and I had a lot of scar tissue so needless to say there were some complications during surgery. The baby was taken due to complications. I was unable to see her or hold her for 7.5 hours. The support, treatment, and kindness I received during my 4-night 5-day stay were beyond words. It was so desperately needed. I believe that your entire team went above and beyond for both myself and my baby.

One nurse, in particular, stood out and I will forever carry it in my heart. Her name was Aaliyah Pullem. Her smile and presence alone lit up my room instantly bringing my anxiety down. Her voice and demeanor were so comforting and calming; she was very attentive ensuring my medicine and vitals were exactly on time. She spoke to me with such kindness. She was very knowledgeable and articulate. Any question I had she knew the answer. She would even give me tips and tricks to help ease my pain and uncomfortableness without pain meds. She was constantly lifting my spirits, encouraging me that I was strong, that I was okay, and that we were okay. She listened to me when I talked. She made eye contact and would focus on me. I felt heard.

I’m not a very trusting person but with her it was instant. I felt safe. She helped me not only physically but mentally as well. Every day she came to work she greeted me. She involved me in the report at the beginning and end of her shifts. She even came to check on me when she was at another unit, it made me feel special. Even if she wasn’t my nurse that night I know I was going to be taken care of. The day I was discharged she came to see me off. She told me that it was a pleasure to have worked with me. All the while she didn’t even know the impact she had on me. I felt I need to tell someone about her kindness and her excellent care. I told another lovely, caring, and attentive nurse; I asked for a comment card and she gave me this nomination form. This nurse Aaliyah needs to know how grateful I am that I was placed in her care.