Emily Rogers
January 2023
Emergency Services
UW Health-University Hospital
United States




The second Emily walked into my mom’s room; we knew we hit the jackpot. She was warm, welcoming, and empathic.
We knew we would be in good care when the doctor said “OK, I will let your nurse know to get you those meds. OH! It’s Emily, I LOVE her!!” My mom is fortunate enough to receive care at UW Health weekly in the Carbone Cancer Center. She has also had a number of surgeries and stayed on the inpatient units at University Hospital. I mention all of this to put into perspective the number of wonderful nurses we get to receive care from. UW Health nurses hold a very special place in our hearts. But Emily takes the cake!

The second Emily walked into my mom’s room; we knew we hit the jackpot. She was warm, welcoming, and empathic. She was able to assess the room. She knew my mom wouldn’t speak up (complain) and she knew my sister and I were key stakeholders in her care. She knew exactly how to word everything to my mom and was so respectful when she knew that my sister or I needed to answer. She gained all of our trust within minutes! She was able to relate to my mom letting her know that our relationship reminds her of her and her mom. Little did she know that allowed my mom to open up totally to the approach we were taking. She normalized that it’s ok to lean on others, even if that means your kids.

Emily spoke in simple terminology, so we weren’t left trying to figure out what she was telling us. She took my mom to her MRI. While I know that is standard work for the assigned nurse it meant the absolute world to my mom. She was in excruciating pain. Emily made sure to get the meds my mom needed to be able to lay still for the scan. She made my mom feel safe and she trusted Emily as much as she trusted my sister and me. She quickly found topics that my mom loves to talk about to get her to engage in conversation and was able to bring a smile to her face in the darkest times. Nothing that I write in this letter can even do justice for the amazing care that Emily provided not only for the patient, and my mom but also checking in on my sister and me making sure we were doing ok as well.

Working in healthcare for 10+ years, visiting countless doctors and treatment appointments, I have never witnessed such an amazing wholehearted nurse and human being. Thank you, Emily, from the bottom of our hearts for being the amazing person and nurse that you are. UW Health is beyond lucky to have you a part of their team and we are beyond grateful that we got to have you as a part of our team that night. We can relate to the comment we were welcomed with, WE TOO LOVE Nurse Emily.