November 2022
My Nightingale Nurses
at Community Medical Center
mixed unit, 2F and 4B
Community Medical Center
Toms River
United States
Margaret Tomczyk RN – 2F
Maria Jasa BSN, RN, OCN - 4B
Eireen Almendralejo BSN, RN – 4B




This nomination goes out to a select few individuals who made my stay much more tolerable. During my stay, I was battling with an unknown diagnosis that had me in the worst pain I've ever felt. When I was first there I was in agony. I rang my call bell more times than I could count and my nurse, Margaret, was always right there. She did everything in her power to help me be comfortable, and did so with such deep seeded compassion. She never once made me feel like a burden.

My next nurse, Maria, worked with me and my doctors to get anything in the realm of possibility to make me feel better. She reassured me continuously that she was there for me and made me feel like the most important patient in the world. She is the epitome of a "Nightingale Nurse," sacrificing parts of her soul for her patients.

My other favorite nurse used her creativity to do anything she could to help, taking time out of her busy night simply to talk to me, knowing that just a brief distraction was enough to give me a little relief. I was so certain I would not survive but these nurses and PCTs came together as a true team to lift me up. It is because of them that I had the resolve to make it. You are all inspirational and I cannot thank you enough.