Crystal Williams
January 2023
Duke Population Health Management Office
United States




It's reassuring to have someone like Crystal who takes your job seriously and is committed to serving clients, as part of my son's team.
I want to express my appreciation in writing for Crystal's diligent efforts in coordinating care and services for my son. She has gone the extra mile to help my son get plugged in with primary care, specialty care, and behavioral health services, and keeping track of all of the issues with which my son needs professional care and support. It has been difficult (and at times overwhelming) as a parent, trying to navigate the various systems that control the hoops we have to jump through to get my son access to the range of healthcare services and community support he needs. Without her help, intervention, and encouragement, I don't think I would've been organized enough to push forward on the tasks involved in getting him referred to resources that could set him on a path to improved health and function.

Her dedication and persistence, as well as her compassion for the challenges he faces, are greatly appreciated by me, my son, and his mother. I'm especially grateful for the help moving forward in getting my son treatment through community agencies and utilizing his health insurance benefits. Making phone calls and sending emails that may or may not be seen or answered is frustrating and discouraging. Having someone with her professional expertise and experience make the calls in real-time has moved my son at least one step closer to his healthcare and behavioral health needs being addressed with each follow-up intervention that she coordinated. It's reassuring to have someone like her who takes your job seriously and is committed to serving clients as part of my son's team.

I shared this email with her supervisor at DukeWELL. Managers often don't realize when their staff is doing an excellent job; people are more inclined to complain when they're dissatisfied than they are to acknowledge when someone has shown dedication and high standards in performing their job duties. It is important to me that her managers get this feedback, so they can recognize how valuable she is to the DukeWELL program from the perspective of a client and family. My son and I look forward to our next session with her to follow up on his status as we move forward and continue to take steps to improve his health and well-being. My best regards.