Cassi L Wilbur
January 2023
Cassi L
Emergency Department
UT Health East Texas Jacksonville
United States




Cassi showed compassion and went above and beyond for this patient in reassuring her during this feeling of fright that everything was going to be okay.
The patient presented to the ER with complaints of a rapid heart rate. ER was full, with no open beds. The patient was brought back to triage, where an EKG was performed that showed the patient was in SVT, with a HR in the 180s. A patient was immediately moved from a room, room was turned around, and the patient was brought back to 5B. Orders were received to administer Adenosine. After IVs were established, Cassie explained to the patient what Adenosine was, and what to expect with the administration of the medication. She explained to the patient that she was going to feel like she couldn't breathe. She continued by telling her it was going to be okay. Initially, 6mg was ordered. Medication was pushed, and Cassi stood with the patient and coached the patient through the feeling of her losing her breath and helped the patient remain calm. Unfortunately, the initial dose was not effective. An additional 12mg dose was ordered. Cassi looked at the patient and told her, "I want you to look at me". When the dose was pushed, Cassi continued to reassure and coach the patient through it. Cassi showed compassion and went above and beyond for this patient in reassuring her during this feeling of fright that everything was going to be okay. Because of Cassi, the patient was able to stay calm and breathe through the feeling. The patient displayed much appreciation for Cassi in her efforts. Being a witness to this event reminds me why we are here and what our job is about. As a fellow nurse, we sometimes forget that although we may be tired and/or stressed, being compassionate and "just being there" is sometimes what patients need most.