Elizabeth Wilson
January 2023
Grandview Education Department
United States




I feel confident leaving my baby girl in Liz’s hands because I can tell she truly cares about and for her.
Liz has my sweet baby girl M in the NICU. She was in our delivery room during my C-section and she’s had M for most of her shifts since. The thing is Liz checks in on her even if she doesn’t have her. I feel confident leaving my baby girl in Liz’s hands because I can tell she truly cares about and for her. Liz is very up-front and honest with me about what’s going on and what comes next. She’s always there to answer my questions and makes sure I have what I need and what baby girl needs. Liz has gone above and beyond with what we’ve asked for from footprints for a Christmas ornament to letting grandparents hold M. Liz is truly amazing at what she does and deserves to be recognized. We are so thankful that she is one of the nurses taking care of our girl!


Our granddaughter was born 7 weeks premature. Liz Wilson has been assigned as one of the nurses to care for our granddaughter in the NICU. Each day she has demonstrated professionalism, compassion, and empathy towards all of us. She has gone above and beyond to make certain that every question we have is answered. She is truly an amazing person and an incredible nurse. Liz takes great pride in the way she performs her duties. We’re not certain when our granddaughter will be released to go home, but we find comfort in knowing the great care that she is receiving from the nursing staff.