Brenda Whittemore
December 2022
Bon Secours St. Mary's Hospital
United States




She was always prompt to respond to dad’s needs and quickly learned his likes and dislikes.
As a Covid Pneumonia patient, our 94-year-old father was transferred due to the need for a high level of oxygen. During his stay, Nurse Benda Whittemore was his nurse for several days. What a joy it was to see Brenda on those days! There was no need for a call button when Brenda was on duty! For example, she noticed that dad’s manner is to not ask for anything, including PRN meds which he needed. So, she would remind him. She was always prompt to respond to dad’s needs and quickly learned his likes and dislikes. She was great at coaxing him to take his pills. She learned his culinary wants which helped encourage him to eat. Through all of this, she treated him with warmth, kindness, and dignity. Not only was Brenda exceptional with our dad, but she also exhibited concern and compassion with family! When she noticed our arrival, she was terrific at communicating, bringing us up to date on how the night went & where things currently stood.

After 20 days in St. Mary’s, dad will be discharged today. Through this time, he has been in the care of several nurses. We respect all those who enter the nursing profession, it is a difficult job. However, Brenda Whittemore’s exemplary skill and compassion stood out above all the others.