January 2023
Outpatient Infusion
Good Samaritan
United States
Teresa's concern about my needs really impressed me that she rearranged a time for me to come and receive my injection and I did not have to wait a LONG time to get into the room to receive my injection.
I would like to recommend Teresa Waggoner, Outpatient Nurse at the Oncology & Infusion Center. On December 30th I had called to inquire about the Prolia Injection that CVS Specialty was to send to GSH per order of my physician. It had been a struggle to get the CVS Specialty to send the injection before my insurance would end due to my retirement date of December 30th, 2022. I had talked with the pharmacy at GSH (December 30th, 2022) and was told that it had finally arrived after weeks of the initial date of December 16th to get the Prolia injection. I was then directed to the receptionist (Sonja) at the Oncology department, I explained my situation regarding my insurance ending on December 30th and was really needing to get the injection that day December 30th, 2022, due to my health and my financial situation. I was directed to Teresa (the Nurse). She was very concerned about my needs. I was very grateful for her working (with Sonja) to get me scheduled THAT day to get the injection. Teresa's concern about my needs really impressed me that she rearranged a time for me to come and receive my injection and I did not have to wait a LONG time to get into the room to receive my injection. She had a positive attitude and demonstrated a highly professional attitude for my medical needs. Also this indicated to me that she demonstrated flexibility and proactive leadership in PROVIDING me with my medical needs. She provided a special connection with this PATIENT because her only concern was to get me scheduled to help me with my medical needs and financial needs. I am so grateful for this kind of concern that Teresa had shown me. Teresa assisted me in the room for the injection and explained everything that was going to be done with the injection and what to expect after the injection. She had a positive attitude and demonstrated professionalism in the work environment, but not only that she talked with me about other things , that made me feel human, comfortable. Teresa Waggoner on December 30th, 2022 demonstrated all the things that a patient wants when receiving treatment. She saw me as a person not a patient. That means a lot to me. Thankful for employees like Teresa Waggoner at GSH.