December 2022
Lamar State College Port Arthur
Port Arthur
United States




Many nurses who had her as an instructor will tell you that she was their absolute favorite because they knew that she cared. She showed that through her firm but loving approach.
Kathy Guidry has been instrumental in a multitude of lives. She is a mom, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend to many. She volunteers at her church to teach bible classes each week and mentors women on a daily basis. As a nurse, she spent the majority of her career as a labor and delivery nurse coaching and encouraging young mothers throughout their pregnancy and then delivery. She became a Certified Lactation Specialist so that she could continue to comfort and educate these mothers throughout their parenting journey. There are MANY mothers in our area and beyond who can credit Kathy with their birthing and parenting successes!

As her career developed she transitioned into nursing education. It is here that she remains and makes such an incredible impact on our communities. I am not sure but I think that she has been teaching vocational nurses for about 20 years. Semester after semester year after year she begins with a new group of students who may not know much about nursing or caring for others and demonstrates her compassionate care for them along with a healthy dose of DISCIPLINE.

She holds herself to a very high standard of learning and care and she expects NO LESS for her students. Many nursing students have experienced the nervousness of having "Mrs. Guidry" as a clinical instructor. She has managed to cause a few students to cry as they attempt to answer her questions concerning their patient care. It is this firm but caring teaching style that Kathy will always be remembered by her previous students. Many nurses who had her as an instructor will tell you that she was their absolute favorite because they knew that she cared. She showed that through her firm but loving approach.

She is a recruiter too! She has drawn many students into this nursing program simply by pointing out their potential and sharing her own love for nursing and teaching. She pestered me with nursing brochures and LSCPA admission packets for a few years until I reached a point in my life where it seemed that her insistence and my own destiny collided. I registered, had her as an instructor cried when she was firm but learned from her discipline and instruction then went out to work in the hospital. Later when an opening came up at the school she insisted that I apply. I have worked with her for almost 10 years now! There are several instructors on this campus who also had her as an instructor and now enjoy working with her and gleaning from her years of expertise.

She is no stranger to difficulty. She has experienced health scares and most recently began chemo and other treatments. Nothing stops her though! She goes in for the treatments and then shows up at work with a smile on her face ready to teach and continue with her responsibilities. With the loss of her own daughter to COVID she has taken on a new role as the main caregiver for her teenage granddaughter. There is no situation that Kathy won't take on. She accepts her challenges with the grace and determination that can only come from her strong faith in God. She expresses humor and shares her stories along the way giving hope to us as we all witness her strength in the face of difficulty. Kathy Guidry is truly deserving of this award. She is the personification of a nurse who doesn't fear the future! She deeply cares for others and will give everything she has to express it.