Julia Williams
January 2023
Providence St Joseph Hospital
United States




Julia's empathetic communication, dedicated care, and compassion were extremely encouraging and uplifting at such a stressful time.

During a recent stay in the ICU, Julia's approach to my care high-lighted that nursing is indeed an art and a science. Her empathetic communication, dedicated care, and compassion were extremely encouraging and uplifting at such a stressful time. Simple acts such as a warm towel, offers of a hot cup of tea, a warm blanket, a snack or just popping her head in the door made me feel more than just a set of vital signs, series of numbers, or a diagnosis. More importantly, it gave me dignity at a time when I was unwell, isolated, and vulnerable.

Julia always patiently listened to my questions and concerns and provided me with the sense that I had also been heard. She made me feel like I was her only patient despite juggling other complex patients, doctors orders, and documentation. This nurse always gave me eye contact, was never rushed or flustered, and always made sure I had what I needed and that all of my concerns were resolved. In fact, she responded to my medical care and questions so thoroughly that I assumed she had been a nurse for quite some time. I was very surprised to learn that she was a relatively recent nursing school graduate. I believe that trust and respect are the foundation for an exceptional nurse/patient experience and certainly provided me with that. Thank you for the incredible care and commitment you always display. This is why I believe you are more than qualified and deserving of the DAISY Award, Julia Williams!