Katherine 'Wini" Williams
February 2023
Katherine 'Wini"
Atrium Health Union West
United States




I can’t explain what I saw, she helped from the heart, and she was there because she wanted to be.
Wini immediately comes to mind when I think of what the DAISY Award represents. She is one of the most compassionate individuals I have ever met.  She has received recognition from multiple teammates and patients throughout the facility.  Words that have been used to describe Wini in those recognitions are positive, committed, comforting, advocate, helpful, and always smiling.  Wini not only takes care of the ICU on a regular basis but she can also be found all throughout Union West helping patients and teammates in need.

One special recognition was from the women’s center which described a situation when Wini came to help their team and a patient who was having difficulty post-delivery. Despite being in charge in the ICU, Wini stayed and assisted with administering blood, medicating the patient, and spending time with the mom coaching and comforting her and assisting the mom with breastfeeding her new baby. The manager recognizing Wini for that display of compassion and empathy stated, “I can’t explain what I saw, she helped from the heart, and she was there because she wanted to be.”

I specifically remember a special situation when we had a patient in the ICU for over two months due to a difficult placement.  The patient had not been outside to feel the sunshine or get fresh air in 2 months. Wini, along with PT took the patient out to the garden and sat with him so that he could have a moment to feel the sunshine and get fresh air. I looked out my office window and the patient waved at me from outside and the smile on his face said it all.

Another situation that describes the kind of person, nurse, and friend Wini is was when we had one of our own ICU nurses become ill.  This nurse had recently moved to the area and started at Union West in the ICU. Wini was one of the first friends she made. The nurse had to go to the ER due to painful symptoms. Wini went to the ER and stayed with her. Not only did Wini stay with her in the ED, but she invited the nurse back to her house, so she didn’t have to stay by herself. That is just the kind of nurse, friend, and teammate Wini is.

I can go on and on with examples of clinical strength, empathy, and compassion that Wini exemplifies. I am truly thankful to have such a kind and generous nurse and person as a teammate and friend.