Kristen Emerson
January 2022
Labor & Delivery
Salem Health
United States




She was engaged in the entire experience from the moment she became my nurse.  It is a special quality to be able to demonstrate clinical expertise while also focusing on the patient’s experience, treating the patient like she is a very dear friend or family member.
As nurses, I think we naturally aspire to be the exact person that our patients need.  However, we do not always receive the feedback to know if our individualized patient care strategies and caring approaches are successful and meaningful to our patients.  I was recently a patient when I was admitted to give birth to our first child, and I think it is so important that my nurse hears the feedback that she was EXACTLY the person that I needed and made my birth experience what it was.  Most importantly, I believe she was absolutely integral in the safe delivery of our baby.

After learning that I would be admitted to L&D, Kristen came and met me in triage.  She was warm and friendly, immediately asking me about my birth plan and first priorities once I arrived at my labor room.  She skillfully started my IV while we got to know each other a bit and prepared me for the next steps.  My first priority was to utilize the jacuzzi tub!  Kristen and the other triage nurse made this possible and had the bath going when I arrived to the room.  Before getting to the bath, I was extremely nauseous unexpectedly, and quicker than almost seemed possible, I was given Zofran, which immediately relieved the symptoms.  As I labored for the next couple of hours, Kristen checked on me frequently, ensuring that my questions were answered and that my needs were met.  I did not ever have to utilize the call light, as Kristen was so proactive and met every need before I even knew it was a need!  

As labor became more intense, I began rethinking my “non-medicated” labor plan and inquired about an epidural.  Kristen was definitely supportive of my inquiries but recommended we wait to discuss further until I was not in the middle of a contraction!  As we talked more, I decided that I did want to proceed with the epidural.  Kristen quickly began the steps to make this happen.  However, labor became more intense in a short amount of time, and I felt the urge to push. Kristen recommended that she check my progress before the epidural.  I knew at this time that she also was watching the baby’s heart rate closely.  I am so glad that Kristen recognized the need to check my progress before proceeding with the epidural as I was ready to push. So instead of the epidural, Kristen got things in motion for the next stage of labor.  It seemed like within seconds Kristen had multiple nurses in the room to assist, including staff from the NICU.  She had also paged the MD.  All of a sudden I had a whole village helping me and ensuring the safe delivery of my baby.  As it turns out, the baby’s heart rate had dropped for an extended period of time causing the need for a more imminent delivery via vacuum.  With much encouragement and coaching through pushing, we met our baby girl about 15-20 minutes after I had started pushing.  She required CPAP for a very short time and then was back in my arms! 

I am extremely grateful to Kristen.  She demonstrated amazing calm while also responding urgently to the situation.  While L&D nurses may see this every day, of course, the experience was unique and new for me, especially as a first-time mom.  Kristen did not make me feel like I was just another patient.  She was engaged in the entire experience from the moment she became my nurse.  It is a special quality to be able to demonstrate clinical expertise while also focusing on the patient’s experience, treating the patient like she is a very dear friend or family member.

When I share my birth story with friends and family, I include Kristen as part of that.  I feel so fortunate to have had such a kind, compassionate, and clinically strong nurse.  Thank you, Kristen, for walking labor with my husband and me, and most of all for helping us safely bring our little girl into the world.