Bonnie L Moore
January 2023
Bonnie L
Indiana University Health Bloomington Hospital
United States




Bonnie took great care of Dad and became especially fond of him.

God’s Angel to Prepare the Way Exodus 23:20 “See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared."

Let me tell you about our angel on earth named Bonnie Lynn Moore. She was Dad's ICU nurse in December. She took great care of him and became especially fond of him. She noticed changes in his health and alerted the doctors in a timely manner. When we met with palliative care, she sat in the waiting room with our family and she gave us a lot of information about his condition that we had not heard before. She helped explain things the doctor was saying so that we understood.

When we met with the Indiana Donor Network, she sat in the room with my siblings and me the whole time. She was there to support us when we had to make hard decisions. On the day of Dad's passing, she was supposed to be off that day but changed her schedule so she could come in and be with him in his final moments. She escorted him during the honor walk and was with him in the OR when they removed life support, reading scripture to him, praying for him, and crying with him. She then came to the chapel with our family and told us about his final moments as tears rolled down her face. At that moment, her phone beeped and she apologized, saying that her daughter had just given birth. She could have been at home with her family, celebrating new life. Instead, she chose our family.

God gives life and God takes life. And sometimes he sends angels to help us along the way. And I choose to believe that he sent Bonnie to us in our darkest moment to help light the way. She went above and beyond just her typical nursing duties. She became family that day. And for her, I thank God, and I am forever grateful.