Patrick Taylor
February 2023
Primary Care
Lexington VA Health Care System
United States




He is compassionate and provides care and comfort for his patients with his knowledge and heart. Patrick is also not just empathetic with his patients but also with his co-workers.
I have always heard there was at least 10 things that make an exceptional NURSE. Patrick Taylor possesses all of these qualities the very first being he holds a high standard of Professionalism. He is always so professional whether it is in his attendance at his patient's appointment time or the ethical manner in which he is explaining a medication or diagnosis that maybe they just don't clearly understand. Patrick is amazing when it comes to dealing with different socioeconomic backgrounds, communities, races, genders, or age groups. He shows true respect for their appearance and completely keeps focus on their illness, injury, or whatever may ail them physically or mentally. During the times our clinic has the most difficult patients Patrick is the first we go to as he sees them as an individual who still deserves the utmost respect and dignity. Patrick will always handle the situation whatever it may be with care.

Secondly, never-ending diligence. Patrick is hard-working as we all know Nursing is not just an 8-4 or 9-5 job. To be exceptional as Patrick is... you stay until the job is done and you never leave your co-workers when in need. Patrick has always stepped in when he hasn't been asked. He has stepped in to clean up urine when a patient couldn't hold it in and flooded the exam room, he has stepped in when I have had emergencies and patients waiting to be seen even though he had his own clinic to run. He is always there to lend a helping hand.

Third - Exceptional communication skills. One of the most critical elements in Nursing is to keep your co-workers aware of what’s going on so they can jump in at any time to help with anything to keep a smooth flow. Patrick is not a man of many words although he is a man of important words. He keeps you in the loop so you know what you need to do, and he always asks what can I do for you?

Fourth - Effective Interpersonal Skills. Nurses need to be effective communicators not just with their other nurses but with their Providers as well to keep the very best flow of the clinic running possible. Patrick does just that! I don't think the doctor has a good day unless he has Patrick running his clinic for him. Due to Patrick effectively communicating, the doctor knows every detail of the day and what's going on, and that allows him to flow through the things he needs to do outside of seeing patients as well.

Fifth - Patrick has a keen sense of detail. When it comes to his patients, he notices very small differences in them and that can be a life-or-death matter when it involves health care. Missing something as small as the sound of a heart skipping a beat or redness around a sore can mean the end of someone's life very soon.

Sixth - Quick Problem-Solving Abilities. Patrick has the ability to act/react quickly when it comes to an emergency and/or trauma situation. That absolutely can and will be a matter of life and death. I have seen him respond and grab Oxygen for someone who is losing their Oxygen and running out of Air quickly. I have seen instances he had to call 911 and respond to someone having a possible heart attack. Patrick reacted almost before the symptoms began!

Seventh - Being Action-Oriented. During those emergencies and/or Traumas mentioned above, Patrick has been very quick to respond, react and provide the necessary treatment and care.

Eighth - An Empathetic Disposition. Patrick although a big ol' guy has the kindest empathetic heart and soul. He is compassionate and provides care and comfort for his patients with his knowledge and heart. Patrick is also not just empathetic with his patients but also with his co-workers when we may be having a rough day and need a shoulder to lean on with his kind-hearted attitude and spirit.

Ninth – Solid Stamina. It is widely known that Nurses have very physical on our feet, lifting, and tugging hard jobs at times. Patrick not only has the energy to provide his Patients with the help they need, but he also is our go-to guy when we need some “EXTRA MUSCLE” with our patients. Patrick is also the first to offer to walk patients to their vehicles and help them get in or to go to the vehicles and get them out so they can get to their appointments. I have never seen nor heard Patrick say no.

Last but certainly not least NUMBER 10! A sense of HUMOR!!! Patrick is always smiling and making us laugh and enjoy our days!! He is a great top pick at us, joke with us. Laugh with his patients and make their day just a little better. Patrick is also a great cook!! He makes some wonderful food to feed us which makes us all smile. On top of all these things, Patrick does so many things here at the VA!! He checks MSDS… keeps the COVID count daily… he does so many things!!! However, I have said enough. Patrick is so deserving of the DAISY AWARD. He has served his country – he is a VETERAN himself and he continues to serve people today!! I can’t express enough why Patrick deserves this award!!!