Christine Wilson
January 2023
Neuro Trauma
Sparrow Hospital
United States




She shows compassion in the way she treats others and is always the first to step up to offer a helping hand.
Christine is an excellent role model both in her personal and professional life. Christine exhibits innovation while engaging her team to try different things, even if it may sound crazy. Christine even attended a career fair at one of her children's schools to talk about nursing. She shows compassion in the way she treats others and is always the first to step up to offer a helping hand. Whether it is collecting money for someone who lost a loved one or putting together a gift basket for someone who had surgery.

Christine holds herself and others accountable and leads by example. She shows respect to others and has a way of seeing the good in others, even if they are being difficult. Christine displays excellence by striving for quality care in the NCU and has made great strides in leading her team to decrease CAUTIs, CLABSIs, and VAEs.

Lastly, Christine not only expects her team to provide excellent quality care, but SHE personally provides excellent quality care. It is not uncommon for Christine to come in to work and take a patient assignment to support her team. Most recently, she came in and worked Thanksgiving night so that NTICU would be safely staffed. She does this without hesitation and has made personal sacrifices so that she can be here to support her team and patients. Christine gives 100% effort every time she steps into Sparrow.