Jodie Wells
January 2023
Cape Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Saint Francis Healthcare System
Cape Girardeau
United States




She goes out of her way to change their appointments and imaging to provide better and easier care.
Jodie is an exemplary employee that has become a vital necessity for CTVS to function appropriately. Daily she comes to the office with a positive attitude and always completes any work that comes her way efficiently. She can tackle any task without difficulty and can still complete her work while having other important matters that are abruptly thrown at her. Recently she has gone out of her way to ensure patients are happy. This takes many forms including limiting the number of times they have to travel, transporting patients, being willing to listen, or providing extra care even when it is smaller things such as bandage changing. She goes out of her way to change their appointments and imaging to provide better and easier care. She has become so embedded with our office and SFMC that several patients know her by name and feel comfortable speaking to her when a provider isn’t available.

Jodie is different from others as she takes the time to know each patient and goes out of her way to make their lives easier no matter how insignificant the action may appear to others. These small actions make a large impact on the patients, and they always let us know how grateful they are.