Christie Mounts
February 2023
2NW Women's Center
Jefferson Regional Medical Center
Pine Bluff
United States




Christie calmed my fears by talking to me as a person, not just as a patient.
The nurses from the ER to the ward took excellent care of me. My situation was an emergency, and they made me feel that I was in good hands and I was. I cannot believe the care I received. I know nurses are taught to have a bedside manner, but these nurses really cared. I think they knew I was nervous and afraid. They quickly turned that fear into a plus. They calmed my fears by talking to me as a person, not just as a patient. Especially Christie. My doctors were phenomenal too. I was scared, I had to have gallbladder surgery. The nurses in the surgery center and the anesthesiologist were just great. I cannot believe the treatment in the aftercare center that I received by the floor nurses. Once I reached the floor after surgery I knew I was in excellent hands. The nurses cared about my well-being as a patient and a human being and it showed. All the negativity I've heard outside of the hospital is just myths that can be dispelled at this point. Not sure when I will go home but the way I have been treated, I can just stay here with them. I know I worried them by asking questions and asking for water constantly, but they did everything with a smile. I believe in divine intervention and I got sick at the time I did for this crew to care for me. I felt the administration needed to know the lengths these women on the floor went to care for me. I was not their only patient, but I felt I was.