Gina DeFuria
April 2023
Overlook Medical Center
United States




She looks over my mask into my eyes and instantly knows if something bothers me. She addresses me as a person before she begins the chemo treatment.
Gina is a human being who treats me as a human being. She is not a robot, and I am not just another patient. For my past three chemo treatments, Gina has been there for me. She looks over my mask into my eyes and instantly knows if something bothers me. She addresses me as a person before she begins the chemo treatment. Gina encourages me to get through this and patiently listens to all my concerns. She is experienced and knowledgeable and offers excellent advice. Thankfully I am wise enough to follow her advice.

Gina has a positive attitude and outlook and encouraged me to do the same. For example, when I complained of feeling pins and needles on my scalp when laying on a pillow and interrupting my sleep, she suggested I shave off the remaining stubbles of hair. I did, and that sensation ceased.

She has been a partner in my quest to beat breast cancer!

Note: This is Gina's 2nd DAISY Award!