Jessica Guzman
February 2023
Jefferson Torresdale Hospital
United States




She had the intuition of delivering the truth in such a caring way, that ultimately led the patient to make a very difficult decision.
Being a nurse, we take on many roles. A therapist, a waitress, a teacher, a teammate, the family liaison. We are expected to be a dispenser of care, compassion, and encouragement, even in some difficult situations. Some patients stick out more than others. Although Jessica plays these roles and many more, one particular patient stuck out to me that we actually shared.

I had the patient myself and was not able to have the difficult conversation that Jessica did. She and I had many tearful talks about this one patient, and she had the intuition of delivering the truth in such a caring way, that ultimately led the patient to make a very difficult decision. The decision to go on comfort care and have the patient pass comfortably was made. Hearing the raw and realistic unfortunate outcome of this diagnosis was difficult for the entire team involved to deal with. But even more difficult for the patient, who was his mother’s only child. Having a cancer patient, especially one in her 20s, is something that no amount of classes or CBTs could ever prepare you for. Let’s be honest here, it’s terrible and it’s unfair. It’s an instant reminder that what we do on a daily basis is truly a special calling. Certain situations are impossible not to tug at your heartstrings and take your work home with you.

Jessica is the epitome of a DAISY Nurse. It was not only how she handled the patient, but also having a difficult conversation with his mom. Being a mother herself, I don’t know how she had the strength to do so. Jessica is intuitive, patient, kind, and, an excellent teammate. She is always willing to offer a helping hand. This particular patient was just a prime example of Jessica’s morals and values not only as a nurse but as a person! Healthcare needs more Jessicas in the field and we here at Jefferson are so fortunate to have her as one of our own!