Kim Wiltshire
April 2022
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Greater Baltimore Medical Center
United States




Kim definitely makes the families feel included and shares a special bond with them.
Kim is one of the most caring nurses I have ever worked with, although all of our nurses are wonderful, Kim stands out with her patient care. During nurse’s week, we nominate staff members for different superlatives, Kim was nominated as our "baby whisperer" which truly describes her. She loves all of her patients and it is obvious by the care she gives to not only the infant but the family. She always works hard to have the parents involved in their baby's cares. She encourages them to participate in everything that they can when they are visiting and helps them to overcome fears of having their baby in the NICU. She continually educates the parents on what they can do for their baby when they are in the NICU and not on what they can't do. This helps the parents to have some control over a situation that they feel out of control, and confident in providing care to their preterm infant. The NICU is described as a roller coaster ride, with ups and downs, and it is important to help parents to get through those downs all while empowering them to have a voice for their infant. Kim does this at a level that exceeds everyone else. She cares deeply about the patients she tends to and takes time to learn about the family members, asking how the siblings are doing and encouraging the siblings to make pictures to decorate the room in the NICU. She definitely makes the families feel included and shares a special bond with them.

One of the families in the NICU was astonished when they found out that Kim checks in on the babies she routinely cares for when she is NOT working. One family stated: "The experience that warmed my heart the most actually took place when Kim was not even at work. Our son fell very ill very quickly with sepsis. It occurred after having weeks of positive and steady gains in his development. Kim was off during this time. She returned back to work towards the end of his antibiotic course. When I saw her, I immediately started to tell her about how sick he was. She stopped me and said, "Oh I heard. I was very worried about him". I started to ask how she knew, and she assured me that she always checks on her babies." She sat and talked with this mom for a long time and told her how she was praying for all of them. She then encouraged this mom to get back to caring for her son even though she was terrified after he had been so sick but it was exactly what she needed to do. How many nurses do that? Even when they are home, call to check in on the patients they are caring for.

The NICU is unique in the fact that some patients are there for a very long time and strong bonds are created. It is very emotional at times, especially for the families, but the nurses feel everything with the families. I hope that all the families feel at peace when they leave their babies in our care knowing that we love them as our own but Kim has a special way of bonding with the families that goes unmatched!