Kaethe Faisst
March 2023
psychosomatic outpatient clinic
University Hospital Tuebingen




Instead of downplaying my experience, she tried to look at the situation from a different perspective with me together.
For us patients of the psychosomatic outpatient clinic, Kaethe is one of the most important reference points. Whenever there is an issue, she is the first person to talk to. Last week, I wanted to complain and share my discontent with one of Kaethe’s colleagues. After I asked for a meeting, she took the time to listen to me. When I explained my reasons for the complaint she was understanding. She attempted to help me assess the colleague’s behavior, while at the same time protecting the dignity of her colleague. Instead of downplaying my experience, she tried to look at the situation from a different perspective with me together. She wanted to find out why the behavior of her colleague irritated me so much. With this change of perspective, she could show me that aspects of my psychological illness may cause those irritations, too. This is just one of many situations where Kaethe treats us patients with lots of patience, time, kindness, and openness. She is always there when needed. Her support as a nurse in the psychosomatic outpatient clinic is essential for us patients. In difficult situations, she is the person we reach out to for help before contacting the therapists. Kaethe is truly a DAISY Nurse.