Heather Hansen
April 2023
Nebraska Methodist Hospital and Methodist Women's Hospital
United States




Learning from Heather has really been such a great experience for me as a new nurse and I inspire to be like her.
Heather is one of the best nurses I’ve ever met. Being a brand-new nurse can be so nerve-racking in many ways. I was lucky enough to have her as my main core. She got me through some of the toughest situations I’ve ever dealt with. During the early days of my nursing career, I was really rethinking my decision to be a nurse. Heather is the reason I am still working as a nurse. During my first few months working I had just found out I was expecting my second child; So I was quite sick most shifts, along with that I was figuring out how to deal with patients of fetal losses, floating to new units I had no idea about and mostly just trying to figure out the ins and outs of nursing. Heather took each question, and there were a lot of questions, with care and concern and made sure to teach me while also helping me. No matter how busy she was, she took the time to really show me the correct way to do things. She is the most genuine person I think I’ve ever met.

One instance I can think of was when our unit was extremely busy on a weekend and we were very short-staffed. I had just been kicked by a patient in the heat of everything getting really busy. Heather helped to make sure I was physically ok first, then without any hesitation, took over all my patients while also having patients of her own to let me go down and get checked out. When I came back to the unit Heather insisted on letting me go home and acted as if it wasn't a big deal. She made me feel so cared for. I really can't thank her enough for that day!

Our cores on our units sometimes need to take patients, so this means they are taking three or even four patients while being the core at the same time. Heather can juggle all this with ease. It’s almost magical to watch. I honestly have no clue how she does it most days. She is truly the meaning of care. She is an absolute pleasure to be around, and she truly takes pride and care in everything she does. She is so knowledgeable in everything within the hospital and such a great leader to have. I cannot say enough great things about her. Learning from Heather has really been such a great experience for me as a new nurse and I inspire to be like her. Thanks so much, Heather for all you do, for your patients, and for your co-workers.