April 2023
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights
United States




Dr. White has a great demeanor. She is always upbeat, professional, and encouraging.
Dr. White is an excellent role model to her students. She encourages us to participate in professional nursing opportunities and shares her personal experiences with us. She promotes nursing through her knowledge sharing and expertise in challenging us to think outside the box and grow.

Dr. White has a great demeanor. She is always upbeat, professional, and encouraging. She follows up timely and makes sure you understand what the expectation is and that she has answered your question completely. Not all professors do this. She is genuinely concerned and has the students' best interests at heart. Her positivity is contagious and makes you want to go the extra mile. She promotes NKU by encouraging us to participate in activities and share our feedback to make the nursing program better. When I asked her to work with me to accommodate a vacation she was eager to help, encouraged me, and turned things around quickly to allow me extra time to get my assignments complete. She made me feel like she really cared about me. This is a demonstration of her compassion towards her students.

Dr. White is fair and treats the students equally. She encourages participation in class and gives everyone the opportunity to share and discuss their experiences. She has been an excellent mentor to me throughout my DNP project. Every email and interaction has been encouraging and supportive to assist in any way she can. I can't say enough about how awesome she has been to work with. She does not belittle or portray that any question is not worthy. She actually takes time to understand why someone does not understand and how the issue can be resolved so the next student does not have the same issue. When I asked for help, we walked through it together and then she would follow up with an email to all the class explaining details of the "how" or "why" behind the question or issue in case others ran into the same problem.

Dr. White is very deserving of this award. I have worked with many professors and Dr. White has been one of the best. When I think of the DAISY Award given to the nursing staff, I see Dr. White exemplifying all the excellent standards of a professor going above and beyond and deserves this award. Thank you for the opportunity to recognize an excellent professor!