Liz Glassford
April 2023
Brian D. Allgood Community Hospital
Camp Humphreys




She hasn’t just taken the time, she has been a great source, my only source really, of support.
Being stationed overseas in South Korea, with very limited resources, Liz has been like light for me while inside a dark tunnel. I have had a very hard time with my newborn latching and being able to nurse and Liz has taken the time to help me. She hasn’t just taken the time, she has been a great source, my only source really, of support. She has offered me her expertise, her help, her guidance, and above all she has shown me that she really cares about me and my son. For people like me, mothers that are away from family, friends, and easy access to healthcare specialists, Liz has been a godsend and I truly want to show how much I appreciate all that she has done and continues to do for me. There have been hard days where I feel like giving up on trying to get my baby to nurse, but she checks in and pushes me to stay positive and keep trying and that is remarkable and very rare. Compassion really can’t be taught in any school, it comes from within, and I really want to thank her for caring because it means more to us than she realizes.