Maggie Frank
April 2023
Mother Baby Unit
Froedtert Hospital
United States




Maggie was able to remain calm under the situation which in turn kept the family calm as well.
Maggie admitted a patient that was being transferred to the Mother/Baby Floor from Labor & Delivery after having a c-section delivery. The patient has had 4 other c-sections prior to this one so she was aware of how the recovery goes after delivery. A short time after being admitted to the Mother/Baby Floor the patient's blood pressure dropped and the patient passed out. The physician was called and new orders were received. The family was at the bedside and witnessed the events.

Maggie was able to remain calm under the situation which in turn kept the family calm as well. A short time later the patient called Maggie to state that "something was wrong and that she did not feel well." Maggie assessed the patient and monitored the vitals but the patient again passed out. A Rapid Response was called this time. Maggie stayed with the patient and family explaining what was happening.

During the Rapid Response, the family appeared overwhelmed with all the people in the room. She sat with the family consoling them and keeping them updated on what was happening. Maggie requested assistance with the rest of her assignment so that she could focus on this patient. After having a patient with similar complaints and appearance recently, Maggie had a suspicion that she knew what was happening. She did discuss this with the Attending physician and tests were ordered to attempt to confirm Maggie's suspicions.

Just prior to any of the tests being able to be performed though the patient verbalized that she could feel something was wrong. She stated her abdominal pain was starting to move up and into her shoulders she again felt as though she was going to pass out and her blood pressure was dropping rapidly. Maggie called the physician to request her presence at the bedside immediately. A team of physicians responded rapidly to the bedside. They were updated on the most recent events with the patient and an ultrasound was performed bedside. Maggie's initial thoughts were confirmed. The patient had a bleed that needed to be addressed rapidly. The patient was immediately taken to the OR to repair the bleed. The family was extremely thankful that Maggie listened to their concerns and advocated for the patient.

When the patient was out of recovery she was able to express that she was so thankful to have Maggie as her nurse. The patient stated she knew something was not right and Maggie listened to her and responded to her concerns. She stated, "she switched doctors because she didn't feel she was listened to after her previous deliveries." She then expressed that it was the best decision ever because Maggie listened to her and took her seriously.