Gemma Ollerenshaw
October 2022
Labour Suite City
Nottingham University Hospitals
United Kingdom




She assisted during the birth and made the experience for myself and my partner somewhat enjoyable, as we felt we were in the safe and friendly hands of Gemma and the team.
After only meeting and speaking with Gemma for all of 5 minutes, I felt like I was speaking with a friend I’d known all my life. Her friendly and calm aura provided me with such a sense of reassurance that all would be fine as I heard the news that I would need an unexpected emergency C-section. Gemma’s kind-heartedness and ease to explain the process I was about to embark on allowed me to relax as I underwent the procedure.

She assisted during the birth and made the experience for myself and my partner somewhat enjoyable, as we felt we were in the safe and friendly hands of Gemma and the team. The aftercare that Gemma provided was, in my opinion, exceptional, as I felt so at ease talking to her and being exposed in the way that you are during birth, something that I was always nervous about.

After the birth, my son was taken down to the neonatal ward, and Gemma offered to take me down to see him and explained to me what to expect when we get down there, as she didn’t want me to be too shocked (wires, monitors, oxygen masks, etc.). After a week in the hospital, Gemma was working on Lawrence Ward and saw my name on the staff board.

I was thrilled that she remembered me and took the time to come and see me for a chat. Again, she offered that calm sense of reassurance, knowledge, and advice.