April 2023
2 Kaplen
Englewood Hospital and Medical Center
United States




Then we see someone like Jessica Burgio. A woman who is dedicated to compassion, care, love, understanding, and giving every second, every minute, every hour of every day.
I want to say that Jessica Burgio, who is a nurse, looked after me for three days. I had a total hip replacement surgery. I cannot thank her enough for her help, compassion, professionalism, love, care, and understanding. She is definitely a God-given nurse on this earth! She was made to be a nurse! She is a wife, a Mom, a sister, a friend and so much more. I do not know how one person who has so much responsibility can do what she does in the span of a day to be a nurse, a Mom, or a wife. She is a Super Woman indeed.

I really enjoyed her talking to me to calm me down after surgery. She was always available. I never once had to call her. She was always there…always! In this world today, we see so much pain, anger, hate, crime, disrespect, and no concern for another human being. Then we see someone like Jessica Burgio. A woman who is dedicated to compassion, care, love, understanding, and giving every second, every minute, every hour of every day. How does she accomplish the impossible? Jessica is one of those rare people born into this world to do what she does because God Almighty has living, loving, caring “angels” who can never be compared or duplicated. She is a rarity indeed.

In closing, I also want to say that all the nurses and assistant nurses on the day and night shifts were fabulous! They were so giving, caring, and concerned. Your staff is second-to-none. May God bless you all!

“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”