Suphakan (May) Buasot
April 2023
Suphakan (May)
Children's Hospital
Leeds Teaching Hospital
United Kingdom




May is such a caring, trustworthy, and respectful person and would do anything for anyone
My daughter got brought into hospital 12 weeks ago and since we've been admitted we've had May as our nurse. She has always gone above and beyond in every way possible she can do, including with surgery she didn't just support my daughter, May supported me all throughout our journey here. I felt like I could trust her so much and leave my daughter with her overnight without struggling at all. May came up with new situations all the time to help my daughter, and without her, we wouldn't have been going home like we are today. I always felt like she had B’s best interests at heart, and was always there to support B and myself with anything. May is such a caring, trustworthy, and respectful person and would do anything for anyone, her level of care is exceptional in every way and we both wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for her. I never had to ask for anything when May looked after B, she was just already there on time with everything.