Chantelle Goldman
May 2023
Hancock Regional Hospital
United States




She put pressure on it for probably 10 minutes and we talked and took my mind off it, it really didn’t even bother me.
Chantelle is a sweetie. She has such a good attitude. When I rang the bell, she was right there. My husband needed help quickly to buy me a different walker and they closed at noon. She hurried around and got him all the information and he had time to purchase it. When she had to pull a line out of my leg, she was so comforting because it bled a lot. She put pressure on it for probably 10 minutes and we talked and took my mind off it, it really didn’t even bother me. Then she wrapped it and put ice on it. I have to admit I did ring the bell a lot for the bathroom, water, pain medicine, moving from chair to bed, etc. I know she had to be very busy with other patients, but she made me feel like I was the main patient. A lot of nurses including her work 12 hours days and sometimes more and she does a heck of a job answering all your questions and making you feel important.