Aleece Duggan
April 2023
Genesis Health
United States




Aleece is an excellent nurse not only because of her knowledge and dedication to her job, but because of her kindness and caring nature that you don't always get.
After being admitted into the hospital at 7pm because my water broke, the whole nursing team and I thought we would have a baby by the end of the night since this was my third and all of my labors have been short. Boy, were we wrong.

Right when we got to our room, we were introduced to our nurse Aleece. She was so friendly and helpful. I told her I was scared that I would dilate quickly so she called the anesthesiologist right away to get my epidural. After getting my epidural, we expected my body would relax and delivery would be coming soon. I was contracting like crazy before the epidural. Then, I stopped. Aleece was so attentive and assured me that she would do all she could to get things moving along. Throughout the whole night, she kept having me try different positions to get the baby to move down. After a few hours and no luck, she checked if there was a part of the water bag blocking the baby. She couldn't feel it so she had another nurse check. They both couldn't feel anything but Aleece knew that had to be the issue. She then told me we could try a few more positions to get things moving. She had me change positions every half hour the whole night because she was determined to help me deliver this baby! In all my deliveries, I have NEVER had a nurse be so actively engaged and dedicated to helping me deliver my baby.

She was working so hard to make me comfortable and get this baby out quickly and safely. She tried all night, but then her shift ended and she told me that she just knew that there had to be a part of the water bag still in there. She hadn't felt it during the cervical checks yet, but she knew. Aleece informed the nurse taking over and she told me that she'd be sure to come and see this baby in postpartum care tonight. Well, she was right. About 2 hours after her shift ended, I had my new nurse check my cervix and she said she felt something. The midwife came in, popped the bag, and after about an hour, I had a baby in my arms. And, as promised, Aleece came over to postpartum care to meet the baby she helped deliver and congratulate us.

Being that this was my third birth experience (all my children were born at Genesis), I had expected it to be similar to the last two. And, when it wasn't you'd think I'd be upset...but I was not. This was my longest labor ever but my BEST birth experience because of Aleece. I have had good nurses in the past, but Aleece is an excellent nurse not only because of her knowledge and dedication to her job, but because of her kindness and caring nature that you don't always get. She truly cared about me and my babies. I will never forget her and this birth experience. She is amazing.