Deborah Carr
May 2023
Rhode Island State Veterans Home
United States




Deb is always attentive and on top of things that need to be done and what is going on.
There have been many times Deborah has exceeded her skills as a nurse. She makes everyone feel comfortable, especially the Veterans. When there is an issue she is always there to help out if needed, as well as help teach me when I'm still learning skills of my own along the way. Deb is always attentive and on top of things that need to be done and what is going on. At the start of our shifts, she makes sure her team knows everything there is to know for the night and sets a plan up so that the night goes smoothly.

When with the Veterans she is unbelievably caring and compassionate. I can tell she truly cares about them and their well-being. Deborah truly shows the values and mission of the R.I. Veterans Home and constantly goes above and beyond for the Veterans and her team around her.