Kelley Givens
March 2023
Wright Patterson Medical Center
United States




She rubbed my back, encouraged me, and did all she could to make me comfortable as I went through one of the most important experiences of my life!
My story begins with a morning check into labor and Delivery unit to be induced for the birth of my third child. From the moment that I met my nurse, Kelley and B, I felt supported and genuinely cared for. In the hours leading up to labor, Kelley talked with me and shared stories about her life, her nursing journey, etc. Coincidentally Kelley trained B years ago when B first became a nurse. Now B was training Kelley as Kelley was a new member to this particular hospital's labor floor. SO cool! I felt like they had a special bond and they joined me in the friendship right away. The time they took to chat with me made me feel unified as a labor team. When labor started Kelley was right by my side. Perhaps this TMI but when I wanted to push before full effacement Kelley attempted to manually move the cervix so that I could try. That may sound like no big deal but for me, it shows how she was completely invested in my labor and in the trenches, so to speak! She was doing all she could to get me through it. She rubbed my back, encouraged me, and did all she could to make me comfortable as I went through one of the most important experiences of my life! I felt like she was more than my nurse she was my birth doula! At one point, I urgently requested someone to help hold my leg and Kelley was there in a second and never left. When my baby was finally delivered she rejoiced with me! She congratulated me and my husband and shared that tender life-changing moment with us. All of this she did while managing her nurse responsibilities over me. All of this was the "extra” her going above and beyond. I’ve had countless nurses over the last three deliveries. I've had appx 47 hours of induction and labor! That's a lot of nurse shift changes. And I've felt very supported by the majority of the nurses I've had. But never have I felt the level of genuine support, love, and active care as I did from these incredible ladies. they made a difference in my labor experience. Because of them, I left the hospital empowered and happy about my labor experience. Any woman that has had a baby will know how significant that is. Thank you, Kelley and the rest of the incredible labor team at Wright Patterson Medical Center!