Christian Tincher
May 2023
Emergency Department
Martin Luther King Jr Community Hospital
Los Angeles
United States




Christian decided to advocate despite the odds against this patient surviving. Thank you, Christian, for utilizing your voice.
A 67-year-old male was presented to the emergency department with a wide range of medical complaints including abdominal pain related to a hernia. The patient was placed in one of our hallway beds near the nurses’ station and was seen becoming increasingly more uncomfortable and appearing not well. As concern grew, the ED doctor received a call from a radiologist to report that the patient's CT scan shows a dissecting aortic aneurysm.

Within moments, the patient became pulseless and non-breathing. CPR was immediately initiated. After one round of medications, the physician and vascular surgeon suggested ending the code as these cases typically have little success. Christian advocated to continue to code the patient. ROSC was achieved and the patient was successfully transferred for surgery to Keck USC Medical Center where he underwent surgery. The patient did make it out of surgery and is recovering. Christian decided to advocate despite the odds against this patient surviving. Thank you, Christian, for utilizing your voice.